Programme Kick-off event tuesday 13th of december 2022

The Turbine Plays will showcase its first collaboration plan at the kick-off event on Tuesday 13th December 2022 at EnTranCe in the Energy Barn in Groningen. ‘The Turbine Plays’ is organised by Knowledge Centre Arts & Society and Centre of Expertise Energy. The Turbine Plays is designed around questions such as: How can public involvement and acceptance be stimulated in the transition from fossil to renewable energy sources, such as wind energy? What contribution can creative professionals make in a process of knowledge production on wind energy together with various stakeholders? Anyone who is curious about where creative professionals and scientists can take us in the landscape transition and wants to increase their knowledge in this field is welcome to attend the kick-off in the Energy Barn. The projectThe Turbine Plays is an artistic-driven research project initiated by Frouke Wiarda and further developed in collaboration with Judith van der Elst.

Several speakers, artists, musicians and researchers will contribute. An overview is given below. The day will be led by Wilbert van de Kamp (moderator of the day).

Schermafbeelding 2022-12-07 om 16.35.57

Date:            Tuesday, 13 December 2022
Time:            11:00 am to 4:00 pm (including lunch), walk-in from 10:30 am.
Location:       Energy Barn, Zernikelaan 17 in Groningen


Jan-Jaap Aué

Dean Centre of Expertise Energy en lector waterstoftoepassingen bij Hanzehogeschool Groningen


Dorothea van der Meulen

Dean Academie Minerva bij Hanzehogeschool Groningen


Frouke Wiarda

Founder of The Turbine Plays, Interdisciplinair kunstproject vernieuwer en geluidskunstenaar


Judith van der Elst

Onderzoeker bij Kenniscentrum Kunst & Samenleving bij Hanzehogeschool Groningen en coördinator knowledge utilization The Turbine Plays


Gerard Schepers

Professor Wind Energy bij Centre of Expertise Energy bij Hanzehogeschool Groningen


Wim Elving

Lector Communication, Behaviour & the Sustainable Society bij Hanzehogeschool Groningen


Marije Baalman

Kunstenaar, onderzoeker die werkt met interactie, geluid, licht en code en schrijver van het boek “Composing Interactions – An Artist’s Guide to Building Expressive Interactive Systems”


Neil Davey

Fotograaf en onderzoeker bij Oslo Metropolitan University, Department of Art, Design and Drama


Rudmer Zwerver

Oprichter Faunatech, innovatieve ecologische veldonderzoeken


Johannes van der Steen

Onderzoeker Circular product design bij NHL Stenden Hogeschool Leeuwarden


Anne la Berge & Bart de Vrees

Speciaal voor de Kick-off geven zij een kort concert/improvisatie


Zoro Feigl

Kunstenaar die zich voornamelijk toelegt op kinetische kunst


Mira Sanders en Cedric Noël

Kunstenaarsduo over fricties via ruimtelijke verhalen


Guy van Bella

Promotor IPEM’s ArtScienceInteractionLab (ASIL)