The Turbine Plays is a network of artists, musicians, composers, creatives, scholars, education, students, citizens and heritage professionals. We strive to connect local initiatives with higher-level decision making and also work across cultural, cross-generational (from school to senior scholars) and disciplinary boundaries. We organize and communicate transdisciplinary exchanges and meetings around themes of interest.
We produce and exhibit the results of these encounters at relevant venues or on-line, to connect and stay in touch with the public, spark conversations with citizens and all other stakeholders, and use art as a key transformative force to bring the process together, and most importantly collectively socially innovate and develop cultural products of contemporary interest.

Our Artistic team
Anne la Berge (USA/NL)
Arnaud Gerniers (BE)
Aart Strootman (NL)
Bart de Vrees (NL)
Cédric Noël (BE/FR)
Cédric Dambrain (BE)
Christina Viola Oorebeek (USA/NL)
Danny de Graan (NL)
Dario Giustarini (IT/NL)
Dries Meddens (BE/NL)
Florian Kiniques (BE)
Frouke Wiarda (BE/NL)
Koen Kaptijn (NL)
Marije Baalman (NL)
Mira Sanders (BE)
Réon Córdova (NL)
Stephan Balleux (BE)
Walter Hus (BE)
Wilbert Bulsink (NL)
Wouter Snoei (NL)
Zoro Feigl (NL/BE)
Our Young Artistic team
Anna-Joy Bouma
August Hart
Jenna de Vries
Melissa Kleine
Our Leadership team
Frouke Wiarda (BE/NL)
Founder, researcher and artistic leader of The Turbine Plays
PhD Judith van der Elst (NL)
Leading knowledge integration of The Turbine Plays
Hanze University of Applied Sciences | Minerva Art Academy
Stephan Balleux (BE)
Artistic coordinator of The Turbine Plays
Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Brussels, Higher School of Arts (ARBA-ESA)
Our Young Creation team
Réon Córdova (NL)
Head of marketing The Turbine Plays
Hoang Pham (NL/VN)
Head of Socials The Turbine Plays
Our Dutch Partners
Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen | Centre of Expertise Energy
Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen | Centre of Expertise Energy
Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen | Centre of Expertise Energy
CIO Research associate Bert Kers
RUG Groningen | ESRIG – Energy and Sustainability Research Institute Groningen dep. Centre for Isotope Research
RUG Groningen | Faculty Science and Engineering
RUG Groningen |Faculty of Spatial Sciences
PhD Nathalie Beekman
Kennis Centrum Kunst en Samenleving
TU Delft | Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment
UvA Amsterdam | Faculty of Humanities dep. Media Studies
Kapteyn Institute at the University of Groningen
Our International Partners
Research Centre for Environment, Economy and Energy
Research Centre for Digitalisation, Democracy and Innovation
Seconded National Expert presso European Commission
Oslo Metropolitan University Professorship Technology, Art and Design (NO)
Prof. Peter Beyls
Computer science and the arts
Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, TU Delft
Intermedia Projects
Dept of Art) at University of California.
AEGIS Research Network
AEGIS Network
AEGIS Network
University South Hampton
The Turbine Plays is Part of the ASCA Society, the association promotes collaboration and synergy between various art forms and sciences, aiming to share and apply the gained experiences for educational and public purposes, while adhering to strict non-profit principles.
Many Thanks to
Jan Jaap Aué – Director & Professorship Hydrogen applications Entrance
Dorothea van der Meulen – Dean Academie Minerva Hanzehogeschool Groningen
Jan van Boeckel – Voormalig lector Art & Sustainability Academie Minerva
Gerbrich Miedema-Moes – Research funding advisor at the Center of Expertise and the Research Center Art and Society
Menno Conner – Voormalig programmamanager Kenniscentrum Kunst & Samenleving
Jeanine Veen – Voormalig projectondersteuner Kenniscentrum Kunst & Samenleving (Academie Minerva)
Alina Kruizinga – Management support EnTranCe
Tjerk Jansma – Programme manager EnTranCe
Marcel Koenis - Business Development Director EnTranCe
Martien Visser – Lectoraat Energie transitie EnTranCe
Andrea Möller – Director Media Art Friesland
Fenna van Wijngaarden – Strategisch adviseur business develpment
Dries Meddens – Documentary filmmaker IDIOT Productions